Friday, October 17, 2008


One year ago today, in the middle of a thread in Etc. on the Etsy forums that Siarh started for fun a few weeks earlier, a group of Browncoats started the Big Damn Crafters (BDC). Since then we have grown in numbers, and grown into a close group.

Browncoats have always been known to be a conglomeration of folks from all walks of life and styles. The Big Damn Crafters are certainly no different. But that underlying love of the 'verse has brought us all together. Yes, we may differ on who was the most outstanding crew member and who was someone we would have left at the first port of harbor, but we do not deny our love of Joss Whedon's genius, and wonderful show!

We'd like to invite anyone who is in the team to kick up thier heels and celebrate our fabulous team. If you aren't in the team, you are more than welcome to join us in our excitement.

It's time for a SHINDIG!


Ma Cobb said...

Awww! Happy birthday BDC!! I'm so glad to be part of such a great team! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday to us! I love our group and all of it's diversity and fun. I hope to see another shiny year and more with you all.

Beth said...

Happy Birthday! This is such a fun group--I'm having a blast myself.

Tara said...

Oh my goodness, we had no idea this blog was here...thanks to Moonblush for the tip! I'm wondering how many etsy people I already blabbed this to, but we are having a Whedon themed Holiday Ornament Swap on our blog. Please sign up if you're interested at You send out 4-6 ornaments and get 4-6 totally unique Whedonverse ornaments in return. We already have a great assortment of crafters who are sure to create some fabulous ones!

We're totally following this blog from now on. It's awesome!